代表:上坂 栄太 / Maneger : Uesaka Eita
Hello, My name is Uesaka Eita. I am in charge of supervision, web design of “Itsukami”.
I was in born Fukui Prefecture in 1988(Fukui prefecture is a very country town). I grew up in the middle of five brothers (older brother, older sister, me, younger brother, younger brother). I moved to Chiba Prefecture when I entered university and after that I live in Tokyo. I had studied the community at the university in the Department of Economics, but I was watching animation and wandering around, I decided to stay longer for a while.
In the wake of my father’s death, I was baptized in December 2015. My hobbies are cartoon, animation, movie, curry making, curry shop tour and volunteering counseling.
Do you know that Japan is a very difficult country to convey the love of Jesus? I’d like to explain the cause on the next page. And I would like you to know the breakthrough.
いつかみ聖書解説チームリーダー:上坂 かすが / Creater : Uesaka Kasuga
Hello. I’m Uesaka Kasuga, I am in charge of planning, writing, and illustration of “Itsukami”. I was born in Tokushima prefecture in 1989 (Tokushima prefecture is a country town). I was born as a daughter of a Buddhist temple and My life had nothing to do with Christianity.
I liked manga, animation, and games, since I was not yet aware of “otaku”. Even though I enjoyed them, I thought that somewhere in the heart was “empty”.
Jesus filled up the emptiness of my heart and gave me the power to live. Since I was baptized in 2014, I continued praying that I wanted to give back to Jesus’ love, and God gave me the vision of this website.
I would like you to know the history that Japanese Christianity has been persecuted. And I want you to know our challenge on the next page.
I am glad if you read it.
監修:石川 剛士(日本イエス・キリスト教団 伝道師)/ Supervisor : Kouji Ishikawa(Evanjelist)
な今日のラビーちゃんでした。#福島県 #東白川郡 #棚倉町 #棚倉教会 #牧師の日常 #うさぎのいる暮らし #ラビーちゃん #ラビーちゃんの幸せが僕の幸せ #日本イエス・キリスト教団 #きよめ派のリアル #うさぎ好きさんと繋がりたい #ミニウサギ pic.twitter.com/lQKWEOCYgO— 石川 剛士(いしかわこうじ) (@kouji0224) 2018年12月3日
Born in 1980, a general household in Saitama prefecture. Having faith in Aoyama Gakuin University student days. After graduation, finding employment at a general corporation.
After entering the social life life of about 8 years, entered the Kansai Bible College. Especially study the Old Testament as a major.
In the internship, I got a practical training at the Mikage Evangelical Church (in Kobe city) and engaged in Pastor Mori Hideki. Think that it is important to “listen to people’s story with heart”.
所属教会について / About our church
The manager and supervisor are Christians belonging to “Jesus Christ Church in Japan”. “Jesus Christ Church in Japan” is a Church of the Evangelical.
“Jesus Christ Church in Japan” is a congregation rooted in Japan through the ministry of Mr. Berkeley Buckston (pastor of the Anglican Episcopal Church) .
We believe in the Trinitarian God of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, our churches are that faithfully centers on the Bible.